Appendix 3 – A22 Active Travel Measures Consultation Approach 


The A22 MRN Active Travel Measures consultation approach included: 


·         Online Webpage hosting the active travel proposals including FAQs, consultation survey, engineering drawings, overview plan, in-person event details and contact details for the project. This was available on Citizen Space at: A22 Active Travel Measures - East Sussex - Citizen Space 

·         Consultation survey was made available in printed format at the in-person events and local venues. 

·         Four in-person drop-in consultation events were held within Hailsham, Polegate and Stone Cross. Members of the project team were available at each event to answer questions. The events were well attended by residents, interest groups and locally elected councillors.

·         Distribution of 11,000 information postcards about the consultation to properties in the direct vicinity of the proposed measures.  

·         Consultation leaflet and posters distributed to local venues. 

·         Social media coverage and press release. 

·         Member Briefings - prior to the consultation, several briefings were held with elected members as key stakeholders. These briefings provided an opportunity for attendees to have advance sight of the proposals and consultation materials before they were available to the public. The sessions were held online via MS Teams and were led by ESCC. The table below provides a list of the meetings held.  


Pre-Consultation Briefing 

Date & Time  

East Sussex Lead Member 

Tuesday 29 October 2024 

County Councillors 

Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October 2024 

Eastbourne Borough Councillors 

Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 October 2024 

Wealden District Councillors 

Thursday 31 October and Friday 1 November 2024  

Parish and Town Councillors 

Friday 1 and Monday 4 November 2024